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A Whole New World … With Shannon Fable

December 31, 2023 - May 3, 2027

Online CEC Workshop: A whole new world …

This is the final session from the recent CFES “Fitness Today: The New Normal” live streaming conference with Shannon Fable.

Listening to this conference presentation and completing and submitting the session questionnaire is a great way to fulfill your career development continued education credits (CECs) and learn from some of the best current fitness presenters today.


Shannon Fable: 2013 IDEA and 2006 ACE Instructor of the Year, has spent more than two decades helping impressive brands such as Anytime Fitness, Schwinn®, Power Systems, ACE, Silver Sneakers, FIT4MOM and BOSU® as a fitness business and programming consultant.  An experienced educator, freelance writer, and certified Book Yourself Solid® Business Coach, she helps fitness entrepreneurs navigate the industry and make more money. 

Shannon is a member of the American Council on Exercise’s (ACE) Board of Directors, served as Chair of the Board, Chair of the Industry Advisory Panel and member of the Compensation Committee and is the co-founder of GroupEx PRO®, a cloud-based group fitness management tool.

Topic Info:

With the fitness world in a bit of limbo, we are all being challenged to re-imagine what the fitness industry looks like as we begin turning up the lights post-COVID. While some clubs remain closed, others are opening. And, even those that are opening are doing so in drastically different ways from coast to coast. How can we best embrace the changes we are all facing and remain positive during this uncertain time? In our time together, we will discuss the lessons learned from the big pause we’ve collectively experienced, as well as identify opportunities that are presenting themselves for us to get even more people moving!

CECs: 1.25 CFES CECs

Fee: $21.00 (tax included)

To Register: Click this hyperlink to the CFES Webstore


December 31, 2023
May 3, 2027
Event Categories:

