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Inshape Training CECs Workshops

February 14, 2024 @ 4:00 pm - January 1, 2025 @ 3:59 pm

Inshape Training Online & Classroom CECs Workshops

Inshape Training

Classroom Location:
Eastside Fitness
5788 Fraser Street
Vancouver, BC V5W 2Z5
Phone: 604-879-5500
Email: info@inshapetraining.net 

Webinars & Workshops

Exercise Recovery Prescription

We live in a stressful world and exercise is a form of stress.  All forms of stress accumulate and may affect your clients’ adaptation and recovery from your program.  This 2-hour Webinar addresses factors leading to over-training and what you can do to maximize recovery for your clients.  The S.A.I.D. principle, increasing muscle mass, controlling chronic pain, and maintaining a healthy immune system are critical components of achieving effective recovery.  Join Brian as he discusses the science and practice of exercise recovery in this short but informative workshop that will hit on training strategies and holistic self care practices to help with maximizing recovery.

  • Cost: $89.00 (includes tax)
  • Instructor: Brian Justin (MKin, CEP, CSCS, FMSC, CES, PES, Certified Exercise Physiologist/Movement Specialist)
  • 2 BCRPA/CFES credits
  • Date: Thursday, October 3 – 7:00pm-9:00pm – REGISTER HERE

Exercise Recovery Prescription LAB – Movement is Improvement

As exercise professionals we know movement is improvement.  However, there are days when your client is beaten down by stress and they show up to their appointment drained and are unlikely to apply energy to anything. You know if you push them, they may leave with less energy and vitality.  What do you do?
You can apply Movement Restoration Methods.  These are a combination of systems that bring balance to your client by accessing the parasympathetic nervous system.  You can still work on the clients’ goals but in a different way that has them feeling rejuvenated instead of drained.  Join Brian in this webinar and be prepared to move!  A yoga mat and some small dumbbells or kettlebells are highly recommended to have on hand.

  • Cost: $129.00 (includes tax)
  • Instructor: Brian Justin (MKin, CEP, CSCS, FMSC, CES, PES, Certified Exercise Physiologist/Movement Specialist)
  • 3 BCRPA/CFES credits
  • Date: Saturday, October 19 – 9:00am-12:00pm – REGISTER HERE


Ongoing CEC Workshops

“Back” in Action Workshop
Back pain affects 8 out of 10 people.  The personal trainer is often left to bridge the gap between rehab and full function for life, work, and sport when it comes to back health.  Where do you start?  How do you progress?  How do you know if you’re working within your scope of practice?  Find out “what’s the hip got to do with it?”, why ankle mobility can help your back when performing every-day tasks, strategies, physical examination, reducing tension, fitness & ergonomics and why making a back stronger may not make it better.  This Online Workshop will provide clarity on these issues and more!

You will receive a ZIP file which includes the PDF presentaion, videos and a short quiz that must be completed and emailed to info@inshapetraining.net in order to receive CEC’s.

  • Cost: $109.00 (includes tax)
  • Instructor: Brian Justin (MKin, CEP, CSCS, FMSC, CES, PES, Certified Exercise Physiologist/Movement Specialist)
  • 3 CECs
  • Always Available – Register Now

Test Prep Workshop
This online Test Prep workshop is designed to help students study for their BCRPA Fitness Theory exam or CFES National exams.  It will cover the main components from the Fitness Theory course and will help refresh your memory on the essential basics, which are covered in every the CFES closed book exam.

When you register, you will be emailed a PDF file with several fill-in-the-blank sheets (reviewing the skeletal system, muscular system and joint actions) along with 60 short answer questions.  Once complete, email your answers to info@inshapetraining.net for marking.  We will return your results within 1-2 business days along with corrections, feedback and certificate of completion.

If you need to purchase the CFES Fitness Theory manual, please let us know so that we can adjust the price accordingly.

If you are going to take the BCRPA Fitness Theory exam, please contact them directly to schedule an exam writing date. If you are going to take a CFES National exam, please contact us to check when the next scheduled exam writing date is taking place.

  • Cost: $114.00 (includes tax)
  • Marker/Tutor: Veronika Glesc (BGS, Cert. in Health & Fitness, CFES Certified Educator and PT)
  • Two (2) CFES credits
  • Date: Always Available – Register Now

Sugar Addiction – Myth or Reality? Workshop
Does it feel like you or people you know, in particular your clients, can never get enough of sugar?  Have you had a suspicion that sugar is an addictive substance?  Is “sugar addiction” actually a real thing?

In this presentation, therapist Josipa Katinic explores sugar in detail and why it’s not actually an addiction.  We will delve into chemical structure, flawed research design, methods and test subjects, current definitions of addiction, pleasure pathways, and which groups benefit from it being labelled as addictive.

You will receive a PDF presentation and short quiz which needs to be completed and emailed to info@inshapetraining.net in order to receive CEC’s.

  • Cost: $79.00 (includes tax)
  • Instructor: Josipa Katinic (M.A., B.A., EFT, RHN, SEP)
  • 2 CFES CECs
  • Date: Always Available – Register Now

Perspectives From a Large Body Client — An Anthology of Experiences Workshop
What is it truly like to be a large-bodied person looking for a personal trainer?  What might they look for?  What might they wish for?  How does your gym facility and staff welcome people of all sizes?  How does your own one-on-one engagement with a large-bodied client impact their impression of you?

This presentation discusses these concepts and much more.  It touches on the social justice and political movement of Health at Every Size, thin privilege, direct experiences from clients and instructors who identify as fat, and an actual conversation-gone-wrong between a fat client and a trainer.

This presentation is right for you if you want to expand your client base and connect better with large-bodied people, if you have questions you feel too awkward to ask anywhere else, and if are interested in exploring a new paradigm of body diversity.

  • $99.00 (includes tax)
  • Instructor: Josipa Katinic (M.A., B.A., EFT, RHN, SEP)
  • 2 CFES CECs
  • Date: Always Available – Register Now

Beyond the Core – Rethinking Abdominal Training Workshop
Our very own Ryan Delaney has done it again by creating this brand new, detailed, one-of-a-kind Core workshop.  You will review anatomy, movement, program design, corrective strategies and discover a new and improved way of training your clients in regards to Core/Pillar training.

This workshop will provide clarity in making programming decisions that benefit the client and makes you, the Trainer, better at communicating the information that people truly need.

You will receive a Google Docs presentation, which includes a quiz that must be completed and emailed to info@inshapetraining.net in order to receive a Certificate of Completion and Ryan’s Beyond the Core Program PDF.

  • Cost: $109.00 (includes tax)
  • Instructor: Ryan Delaney NSCA TSAC-F, CFES SAE
  • 3 CFES CECs
  • Date: Always Available – Register Now

Personal Trainer Mentorship Program
Is there a specific skill you need to practice?  Is there a training concept you don’t quite understand?  Do you need 1 or 2 continuing education credits to complete your CECs for re-certification?  Then the Private Trainer Mentorship Program may be exactly what you need!

Brian Justin has been in the fitness industry since 1993, has worked with and continues to work with clients who have complex movement reconditioning needs, athletes with performance challenges, and everything in between.  He is also an industry presenter for Kinesiologists, personal trainers, and various health providers.

He is also a University faculty member in the Kinesiology program at UFV, which makes Brian an ideal Mentorship provider for you or you and a small group of trainers.

Step One: Determine where you have challenges in your practice or understanding of a concept in an area of training.

Step Two: Group your needs into what could potentially fit into a one or two hour session.  Email this information to Brian at: justintimeeducation73@gmail.com

Step Three: He will build an outline and send back to you for approval.  After you or your group of trainers approve the, Brian will send it to CFES for CEC approval.

Step Four: Determine a date, time and a facility.  Brian can train out of a facility in Abbotsford but can move around if you have a preferable location.

Step Five: The cost is $200.00 per hour + any facility cost.  This cost does not change if you bring more trainers to help split the cost (up to 4 trainers for a skills practice or 6 trainers for a concept mini lecture).  For example: a 1 hour Skills Mentorship would cost $50.00 per trainer if you have 4 individuals OR $100.00 per trainer if you have 4 individuals for a 2 hour Skills Mentorship.

Cost: $200.00/hour (does not include facility/drop-in fee)

Mentor: Brian Justin (MKin, CEP, CSCS, FMSC, CES, PES, Certified Exercise Physiologist/Movement Specialist)

CECs: 1 – 2 CFES CECs

Health Anxiety Workshop
Have you ever wondered what Health Anxiety (formerly known as Hypochondria) is?  How does it show up and impact your life or your client’s life?  What can be done about it?

This experiential presentation explores the definition of Health Anxiety, its impacts, what not to do if you find yourself experiencing anxiety, some tips and tricks to reflect on and manage anxiety, and you’ll be provided with a chance to participate in mindfulness exercise.

You will receive a PDF presentation and short quiz which needs to be completed and emailed to info@inshapetraining.net in order to receive CEC’s.

  • Cost: $79.00 (includes tax)
  • Instructor: Josipa Katinic (M.A., B.A., EFT, RHN, SEP)
  • 2 CFES CECs
  • Date: Always Available – Register Now

Date: Always Available – Email Brian to Register: justintimeeducation73@gmail.com

BMI – History. Purpose. Fall-out. Workshop
We have all heard of the BMI and most of us know it doesn’t tell the full story of someone’s health status.  So why is the BMI so widespread and why do we rely on it as a health indicator?  The foundation of the BMI was developed in the 1830’s and has now taken a life of its own.  Follow the journey of the BMI to discover how it was developed, how it was and is used, the gaps and fall-outs it has created, and how you can apply this information to educate and broaden the perspectives of your clients.
You will receive a PDF presentation and short quiz which needs to be completed and emailed to info@inshapetraining.net in order to receive CEC’s.

  • Cost: $79.00 (includes tax)
  • Instructor: Josipa Katinic (M.A., B.A., EFT, RHN, SEP)
  • 2 CFES credits
  • Date: Always Available – Register Now




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