Recertification Information

Recertification Candidates: CFES fitness instructor and personal trainer career development continued education credits (CECs) recertification workshops are available on a semester by semester basis and listings are  posted to the web as submitted. To find a workshop please click here to go to our Events Calendar web page.

Annual recertification requires 12 hours of client verified instructional hours through the current year per certification designation and a total eight hours of recognized continuing education recertification workshop credits (CECs). Two-year recertification requires 24 hours of client verified instructional hours through the current year per certification designation and a total 16 hours of recognized continuing education recertification workshop credits.

CFES also accepts workshop credits from the ACE, CALA, IDEA, FLC (which includes the BCRPA, AFLA, SPRA, MFC, OFC, FNB, IFC and the NSFA), Human Kinetics, and the YW/YMCA, as well as a variety of current fitness leadership seminars, workshops and conferences.

CFES is flexible and always looking for great workshops to assist instructors and personal trainers advance their career knowledge base and credentials. In most instances CECs are an hour per credit. If you find other workshops you would like to attend and are unsure if they would qualify for CECs, just drop us an email about the workshop, or give us a call and we will review and advise.

Instructors and Personal Trainers must ensure their CPR, Fitness First Aid and any liability insurance are kept up to date.

Workshop Presenters: To apply to have your  recertification workshops approved and listed on the Course Calendar Workshops web page download the workshops application form on the CFES Documents Download Centre applications and transfer forms web page. Scroll down the page to find this form, labeled CFES Recertification Workshops Presenter Application Form.